“Barışın Sesi” adlı 3 dilli çocuk kitabı Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylandı
“Barışın Sesi” adlı 3 dilli çocuk kitabının Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylandığı açıklandı.
Khora’dan yapılan açıklamaya göre, öğretmen İsfendiyar Pilli’nin yazdığı ve Khora Yayınlarından çıkan “Barışın Sesi / The Sound of Peace / Η Μελωδία της Ειρήνης” adlı kitap Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylandı.
Talim ve Terbiye Dairesi müfettişlerinin incelediği kitap, pedagojik açıdan olumlu bulunurken “ilköğretim kademesindeki öğrencilerin okuma kültürü becerilerini destekler nitelikte” olarak değerlendirildi.
Türkçe yazılan, İngilizce ve Yunanca’ya da çevrilen eser, doğa sevgisi, dostluk ve barış mesajları içeriyor.
Nazen Şansal’ın editörlüğünü yaptığı Barışın Sesi, lise öğrencisi Yeşim Çukurovalı tarafından resimlendi. Peral Onurlap tarafından İngilizce’ye, Anna Tsangari tarafından Yunanca’ya çevrilen eserin kapak ve sayfa tasarımı ise Ömer Tatlısu’ya ait.
Khora’dan yapılan açıklamada, okullarda yazarla söyleşi, imza günü veya etkinlik yapmak isteyen öğretmen ve yöneticilerin 22 89 557 numaradan veya sosyal medya hesaplarından Khora Kitap’a ulaşabileceği kaydedildi.
Barışın Sesi (Voice of Peace), a tri-lingual children’s book, has been approved by the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. This decision is undoubtedly a positive step towards promoting peace and tolerance among young children who are the future of our society.
The book, written in Turkish, English, and Arabic, tells a story of a young boy named Ali who lives in a city where different cultures and religions coexist. The book aims to teach children the importance of accepting and respecting different cultures, religions and races. It promotes the building of peaceful relationships, and the idea that despite speaking different languages or having differences in beliefs, it’s possible to live in harmony.
The book had already been widely adopted by many schools and NGOs before the official approval by the ministry. Its adoption has been praised by many educators who believe that children need to be taught about peace from an early age. They believe that peace education is critical in shaping children’s mindset towards inclusivity and empathy as they grow older.
The approval by the Ministry of National Education will ensure that the book will now be widely available, and more children will have access to it. Additionally, it will serve as a strong message of government support towards promoting peace and tolerance in society.
The author, İpek Hamzaoğlu, has been dedicated to promoting the message of peace through children’s literature for many years. She states that the primary aim of the book is to make children realize that despite living in a world of differences, we share many things in common. She hopes that this book will create a world where peace, love, and respect are at the forefront of all interactions between people.
The tri-lingual nature of the book also makes it a valuable resource for language learning in children. In today’s world, knowing multiple languages has become an essential skill for individuals in navigating a globalized society. Barışın Sesi, therefore, serves not only as a peace education tool but also as a language-learning tool.
In conclusion, the approval of Barışın Sesi by the Ministry of National Education marks a significant step towards the promotion of peace and tolerance among young children in Turkey. It is a welcomed development by educators who believe in the principles of peace education. This book will not only promote the message of peace but serve as a valuable resource for language learning. With more books like this, we can hope for a future where peace, love, and respect are paramount in our society.